The Ethiopian Geoscience and Mineral Engineering Association was established in 1992. It is an umbrella association of all geoscience professionals including associations established by sub-disciplines such as Hydrogeology, Engineering Geology, and Regional based Geological associations. EGMEA is a member of the Geological Society of Africa (GSA). The association is a platform organization for the geoscience community to learn from each other about the past geological works, the current progress in our understanding of the Earth and the future directions of research and development. By doing so, EGMEA links professionals with the government organizations regulating the natural resources, the industry and the community.




The 9th EGMEA congress is a major event after a long absence of the association due to a number of reasons. This event, which can attract up to four hundred participants, provides ample opportunities to showcase advancements and challenges in geosciences and mining geared towards ensuring sustainable socio-economic development of Ethiopia.

The 9th congress of EGMEA will be held under the theme “Geoscience and Mining for Sustainable Socio-economic development” and is aiming to address most pressing issues in the knowledge of geosciences and its application in key areas of national development. While there will be sub-themes for scientific presentations by academia and industry researchers, our main focus will be a one day long panel discussion on the following topics:

The status of mining sector in Ethiopia

The status of Minerals consuming Industrial Development in Ethiopia

Geo-hazard and Urban Development challenges with a special focus on Addis Ababa

Ground water development challenges and resource sustainability

Therefore in addition to contributions to the Addis Ababa City development and sustainability of ground water, the key focus of the congress will be on the status of the mining industry and minerals consuming industrial developments.


The congress will have two important sessions: panel discussion and technical research paper presentations. The panel discussion will focus on the topics mentioned in the previous section. The Organizing committee will invite key panelists and and confirmed panelists will be regularly updated on the EGMEA web page (egmea.org.et) and official telegram channel (T.me/EGMEA). The following sessions are proposed for technical research paper presentations.


Topic-1: The status of mining sector in Ethiopia

Ethiopia has embarked on the implementation of Home-Grown Economic development policy and strategy underpinning extensive involvement of the private sector investment. Mining sector being one of the four pillars of economic development of the country, it is expected to contribute to the GDP in the form of foreign currency earning, supplying the growing industry thereby substituting import as well as in job and wealth creation. However, reports suggest that it is not performing as expected. The technical and governance challenges in the sector will be addressed by panelists and discussions will be held among the regulatory body, investors, developers and academia in search of better understanding and generating plausible way forward for sustainable development of the sector.

Topic-2: The status of minerals consuming Industrial development in Ethiopia

Industrial development is also one of the pillars of the Home Grown Economic development of the country. Mineral commodities are major inputs for various industries including chemical, manufacturing, construction and so on. Many of the industries are consuming minerals as raw materials. Considering that Ethiopia has a number of industrial minerals occurrences and deposits, it is unclear how many of the industries are consuming Ethiopian Industrial minerals for their production. Reports suggest that there are industries which are importing mineral raw materials to meet their manufacturing requirements. The possibilities of missed opportunities in interconnected industrial links will be discussed and potential of industrial minerals in Ethiopia as an input for local industries will be highlighted. Industry regulators, owners, geoscience professionals and all concerned will discuss on the possibility of enhancing the use of Ethiopian Industrial minerals for Ethiopian Industrial development.

Topic-3:- Geohazard and urban development (special focus on Addis Ababa)

Historically, Addis Ababa’s architecture comprised primarily low-rise, lightweight structures, minimizing concerns around geohazards like earthquakes and soil subsidence. However, the city’s recent shift towards constructing dense, high-rise skyscrapers necessitates comprehensive geotechnical assessments. These evaluations must account for local geohazards to ensure the long-term sustainability of urban infrastructure. A panel of experts, federal and city construction regulators, infrastructure designers, developers, and academics will explore this critical topic to raise awareness and address the potential impacts on Addis Ababa’s development.

Topic-4 Ground water development challenges and resource sustainability

The rapid urbanization of Addis Ababa and its environs and many other cities in sub-Saharan Africa is putting immense pressure on groundwater resources. In Addis Ababa, the population has grown dramatically over the last few decades, with the urban area expanding by over 21% between 2010-2020. This breakneck growth has led to a nearly 40% increase in groundwater abstraction over the same period, far outpacing local natural recharge. As a result, the groundwater table in Addis Ababa has dropped noticeably, even in some areas drying of productive boreholes.

Climate change is exacerbating the crisis, with a reduction in annual rainfall in the sub-region. This has decreased natural groundwater recharge by over 12% over the past few decades. Climate models project a further decline in rainfall, which could lead to a shocking reduction in groundwater recharge if current over-abstraction trends continue.

Without intervention, this unsustainable use of groundwater resources will lead to further declines in water tables, well failures, and potential damages to the biophysical environment. This presentation will explore the key challenges and potential solutions for sustainable groundwater management in rapidly growing cities like Addis Ababa under the dual pressures of urbanization and climate change. Strategies to be discussed include main challenges of sustainable use and solution directions that include improved monitoring, demand management, wastewater recycling, and conjunctive use of surface and groundwater resources.


Date Time Topic Proposed Facilitator /Speaker
August 02, 2024 8:00am-9:00am Registration and Tea-coffee Refreshment Organizing committee
9:00am- 9:30am 5mns 20mns Welcome remark Official Conference Opening (EGMEA Ex. Com) Ministry of Mines
Panel presentation-1:The status of mining sector in Ethiopia; Mineral consuming industries status and industrial development in Ethiopia: Challenges and opportunities 9:30-10:30 AM. Moderator (TBA)
20mns - Where are we in developing our Minerals (what can we learn from best performers) Ato Wodaje Abebe
Ato Wondimagegn
20mns - Regulatory and governance issues Ministry of Mines
20mns - Mining and industrial development TBA
10:30am-12:30pm - Q&A panel discussion The Panellists
12:30pm-1:30pm - Lunch Break Organizing Committee
Panel presentation-2: Geohazards and Ground Water sustainablitly challenges in Urban development (special focus on Addis Ababa) 1:30-2:30 PM. Moderator (TBA)
20mns - Seismicity and Addis Ababa City Prof. Atalay
20mns - Comprehensive geotechnical investigation and long-term sustainability of urban infrastructure Dr. Trufat
Prof. Tenalem
20mns - Ground water potential and sustainability of abstraction TBA
2:30pm-3:00pm Tea break Organizing committee
3:00pm-5:00pm Panel discussion Panellists
August 03, 2024 9:00am-5:00pm Scientific papers presentation Organizing committee
August 04, 2024 9:00am-12:00pm Association matters Organizing committee


Participants will be registered upon arrival to the congress venue. There will be no registration fees, however, priority will be given for:


June 20, 2024 Abstract submission Deadline
July 10, 2024 Decision on abstracts and applicants will be communicated
August 02 -04, 2024 9th EGMEA Congress

Decision on abstracts and applicants will be communicated


EGMEA executive council and selected members of EGMEA.


Email: egmeasecretariat@gmail.com

Telegram: t.me/EGMEA

Website: egmea.org.et



E-mail: egmeasecretariat@gmail.com