Membership Benefits

  • Members are invited to attend monthly technical talks by academic, industry, and government peers.
  • Members can participate in field trips to sites of geological interest. The field trips provide ample opportunity to be fully immersed in the geology, led by the experts.
  • Members can get discounts to participate in symposiums organized by the association with different themes.
  • EGMEA is  ffiliated with continental Geoscience Association (Geological Society of Africa. GSA). As a member of EGMEA, you will have access to be a member of GSA and enjoy the benefit of networking for you academic career.
  • Members will have access to peer reviewed proceedings from symposiums, a digital copy of newsletters sent periodically that provide details about upcoming events, highlights a different member each month, provides updates on geoscience and mineral engineering news, and much more.
  • Listing on membership directory in the association’s website.
  • Pathways to Charter-ship and associated benefits
  • Priority access to public lectures and other public event bookings
  • Eligibility for research grants
  • Discounted rates on training courses and workshops and so much more.